Recognizing our Heros
Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.
1 Peter 2:16
With in the next couple of weeks we will be celebrating the Fourth of July holiday, with fireworks, bar-b-que and family. Jennings United Methodist Church family has many heros buried in the cemetery, these individuals who stood up for us so we can enjoy the freedoms outlined in the Declaration of Independence. “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—“
Below is the list of servicemen and women buried at Jennings Chapel United Methodist Cemetery.
Joseph Donald Atchison
Joseph Henry Bell
Roy C. Caldwell
Richard A. Duren
Alfred L. Freeman
Memorial for Joseph Hardin
Samuel Harper
A.M.D. Howard
Fletcher Jomes
James Walker McDaniel
Paul G. Meadows Sr.
James T. Moore
Rev. John C. Powell
Paul John Rossman
John H. Schmidt
James R. Sutton
Oliver Harwood Sutton
William G. Thompson
Amon Elijah Turner
Benjamin Williams
Bertie H. Williams
James B. “Jimmy” Williams
John Powell Williams (Rev.)
Wlaton H. Wright
John J. Yerby
Thank you to all service men and women, those who are still with their families and those that have gone home.
Do you have a story about one of your family’s heros?